Here’s everything tagged

“baby girl”

Oomph.. this belly is getting bigger! Baby GIRL is too and sometimes it feels like she's stomping around in there. Most of the time, I'm pretty happy in this pregnancy. I have more than 2 weeks left of my second trimester and I'm a little nervous for what the third trimester will bring. When bemoaning how difficult crossfit feels to Conor last week, he was pretty honest in telling me that it's just gonna get harder. I'm determined not to stop though, I'll just have to eat my pride and modify more. 

We're all getting pretty excited to meet this sister. We can't decide on a name and by we I mean me. I'm unable to commit to anything at this time! I'm sure she'll have a name... and honestly it's just the first name I can't commit to. I have committed to a middle name. 

I'm sorry summer is coming to a close, however, I'm ready to nest and tackle some projects before December!

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